Social Media for Trucking Industry Professionals
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Designed for trucking industry professionals, including fleet managers/owners, long-haul truckers, owner/operators, the Social Media Newsroom summarizes all of these services and how to utilize them.
posted by benmcclanahan @ 3:09 PM,
- At May 13, 2010 at 3:59 AM, Mustang Key Ring said...
Good an excellent informative post, Thank you
- At October 14, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Trucking Jobs said...
great post!
this really sounds interesting..where can i find more information regarding to this? - At October 20, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Truck Rental said...
This is interesting one. I have great fun reading your post. Love to read more about it...where I can find more on it ?
- At October 3, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Jake C. said...
Facebook is definitely the way to go. You can like us on Facebook if you'd like we are always active and posting.
- At October 16, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Ashley F. said...
I think Facebook is a good way to post info for your organization, but Twitter is a great way to really interact with other drivers on a daily basis. You can share up-to-the-second information on road conditions and other trucking issues easily.
Check out to get up to date trucking info that impacts your daily drive. - At November 3, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Free Hosting said...
Its good and new one.Social media trucking industry professional is more helpful.Thanks for your pretty cool information.
- At November 7, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Ginger said...
Hey Everyone!
Very new to all this blog and internet world on a publishing level. So much to learn!
My name is Ruth Lovie, Lovie is my middle name and my pin name on sites, I sometime use ladylovie or Lady Lovie, so if you see it anywhere, stop by and leave a little note and say "hi"! I am a team truck driver and have been since 2007 with my terrific husband.
It has been a huge adventure and way of life style change. Going from basically a housewife and mother, to now out here on the highways all over the states.
We decided to do this once our son finished high school and was heading off to college. I do not think I would of ever been ready before then.
I was not sure at first if it was going to be a good fit for me, but surprisingly this way of life can grow on you, and you really appreciate the adventure of it all, not to mention the fundamental service we provide. Everything we use on a daily bases is hauled at one point or another in a truck, and it has really opened my eyes and respect for all our truck drivers out there!
Just started my own site to help anyone that is considering getting into the trucking industry, especially team truck driving. All of your input and feedback would be greatly appreciated, so come on by and drop your thoughts or questions. I would love to grab a cup of coffee and meet all of you! :)
Safest Travels to you ALL,
Lovie - At March 28, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Hino Hybrid said...
Are you going to update???