Fuel prices, cost cutting leading to
more counterfeit parts for fleets
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"As fuel prices and commodities prices have gone through the roof in the past year, fleets are looking to cut costs in any way possible. Knowing that, counterfeiters have stepped up efforts to get potentially unsafe materials into the marketplace, as customers often can’t tell the difference."
Other trucking industry headlines for Tuesday, July 22, 2008:
Fleet Owner
Logistics experts launch new venture
Double Coin tire prices to rise
Diesel prices down four cents
Medical qualifications (Trucks At Work)
"By now, I’m sure, you’ve heard about the big Associated Press story, entitled “Medically unfit drivers still on the road,” published yesterday in a variety of places, such as on CNN’s news website and a host of newspapers like the Kansas City Star, Connecticut Post, and many others."
Other stories
Retreads more environmentally friendly than new tires, study says (truckinginfo.com)
An independent analysis comparing the relative carbon footprints of new tires and retreaded tires has concluded that the process required to manufacture and distribute a retreaded tire produces significantly less carbon emissions than that required to produce a new tire.
One of the Big Ideas that's gotten a boost from the recent oil price shock is the notion that the energy for transportation should come from the electric grid, not an oil well in the Middle East.
Coalition of labor and environmental groups push for emissions reduction at Port of Oakland (Oakland Tribune)Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will join a coalition of labor, environmental and community leaders today to push for policies at the Port of Oakland to reduce diesel emissions and boost living conditions for thousands of independent truckers who move goods to and from the West Oakland facility.
posted by benmcclanahan @ 1:07 PM,