Battle for bigger trucks
Monday, July 14, 2008

Battle for bigger trucks
"'Bigger trucks are more dangerous trucks. Lifting truck weight and size limits would turn big rigs into time bombs.' –James P. Hoffa, general president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
"You’ve got to give Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters credit: they know how to fire off good sound bites. The above quotation comes from the latest Teamster broadside aimed at heading off an effort to review federal truck size and weight limit laws. Right now, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proposing to launch a pilot program that would allow heavier and longer combination vehicles (LCVs) to operate on U.S. highways in “border states,” presumably those along the U.S.-Mexican border."While I haven’t turned up anything official about such an FMCSA study, there’s no doubt that the truck size and weight issue is again coming to a boil as the trucking industry not only searches for ways to boost productivity without adding more expensive equipment to our already-clogged roads, but to improve its environmental footprint as well."
Read entire article ...
posted by benmcclanahan @ 10:17 AM,