Is biofuel the answer?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is biofuel the answer? (Fleet Owner)
A backlash is brewing against the widening use of biofuels worldwide – targeting ethanol, made mostly from corn, and biodiesel, created largely with soybeans – as concerns about their impact on the global food supply and the environment continue to grow. Still, despite potential pitfalls, experts believe biofuels are going to remain an important alternative fuel for transportation needs in the future.
Other trucking industry headlines for Wednesday, July 9, 2008:
Bulk Transporter
Information on repairing flood damaged vehicles
Land transport trade grows for NAFTA partners
Fleet Owner
Biofuel backlash
Michelin available at 32 new locations
Navistar to raise prices on International trucks
FTR Associates announces details of annual conference
ASA releases new side vision camera
posted by benmcclanahan @ 12:59 PM,
- At July 9, 2008 at 1:42 PM, said...
Insightful and emergent news piece. Who'd a thunk it?