Trucking Headlines 04.11
Friday, April 11, 2008

Financial outlook dire for Highway Account
of the Highway Trust Fund
The financial outlook for the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund is dire, a representative of the Transportation Construction Coalition has stated, and immediate action is needed to prevent a substantial shortfall in these funds.
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Other headlines from April 11, 2008:
Truck-Lite junction box (Fleet Owner)
U.S. Xpress brings training into the cab (Fleet Owner)
Transcard launches green division (Fleet Owner)
Hazmat transport symposium (Fleet Owner)
MHT Companies Respond to Soaring Metals Prices (Trailer/Body Builders)
Peel and stick a wireless computer on perishables (Refrigerated Transporter)
Greatwide Logistics acquires Camrett (Refrigerated Transporter)
posted by benmcclanahan @ 2:33 PM,